It is a tradition in my family that on Saturday or Sunday we see each other. Usually to eat, which is something we all like to do. However, we have not been able to meet for sixty-four days. In my case, I have seen them individually, when they come to bring me food or when my aunt accompanies me to the hospital. But until now, we have not been able to be together.
Today, 18th of May, Malaga is moving to phase 1 of the deconfinement. So now we can meet, as long as there are less than ten people. We are a small family. My two cousins, my aunt, Bernardo, her partner and Samirah and I. So today we can finally enjoy each other’s company again.
My cousin Julián and we live in adjacent streets. My aunt, my cousin Vivi and Bernardo spent their confinement together in the provincial capital, about 30-35 kilometers from us here in Mijas. In phase 1 we are also allowed to sit in the same car even though we do not live together. So my cousin Julián is coming with us.
We are all happy and looking forward. It’s strange how we now celebrate what used to be an every day thing and we didn’t think much of it. Samirah buys a magnum-sized bottle of red wine so that no one lacks joy this evening. We also bought a Velvet cake for my aunt, fluffy and red, to celebrate Mother’s Day which was three Sundays ago and which has passed without festivities due to the confinement. For my aunt it is an important day and although late, we want to celebrate it.
Upon arrival, although one would expect a lot of hugs, no one wants to make me sick and if someone comes a little closer than they should, my aunt teaches them a lesson with just a look. We go up to the terrace and start this party to specifically celebrate that we can see each other again.
With the cathedral of Malaga and the sea in the background, the postcard picture couldn’t be nicer. It’s almost seven in the evening but it’s still sunny and I have to sit in the shade because the chemo makes my skin more sensitive to the sun.
A wooden table has been set up in the center of the roof top terrace. Otto has also come with us, and you can see from his tail the anticipated happiness generated by the feast he knows he will get a part of.
I don’t know how long it’s been since the last time I had a spanish omelette, but it’s been made at my request because, strange as it may seem, it’s what I wanted most to eat today. And it’s delicious! Even more glorious are those tomatoes from Huevo de Toro in Coin in a dressing of oregano, garlic and extra virgin oil that only Bernardo has been able to perfect. There’s also cuttlefish in sauce, anchovies in oil and many other things. All is as only the food at home can be, no bar or restaurant can compete with it.
The family comments on how good my hair looks short and we spend the rest of the afternoon talking about unimportant things, happy to be together, to eat, to drink and all the little things we are able to do again.
A little before 11:00 PM we decide to go home and this time we forget about the restrictions and hug and kiss when we say goodbye. We deserved it.